

Pellor Flying Hammock Inversion ゆりかご ブランコ Anti-Gravity Aerial Pilates ヨガ Fitness スリング スウィング ハンモック ヨガ【送料無料】【代引不可】【あす楽不可】【05P20Aug16】【0818】
価格:23630 円(税込)
お支払はクレジットカード、銀行振込、郵便振替、もしくはコンビニ後払い(後払いは限度額が5万円まで)にて承ります。 注文後のサイズ変更・キャンセルは出来ませんので、十分なご検討の上でのご注文をお願いいたします。 ※画面の表示と実物では多少色具合が異なって見える場合もございます。 ※ご入金確認後、商品の発送まで1-3週間ほどかかります。 ※アメリカ商品の為、稀にスクラッチなどがある場合がございます。使用に問題のない程度のものは不良品とは扱いませんのでご了承下さい。 ──【メーカーカタログより】── Description: Material: Parachute fabric Color: Blue Size: 250x150cm Affordability: 200kg Installation steps: First, install Steel carabiners on the ceiling, two Steel carabiners spacing 50-80 cm better. Steel carabiners need to be installed on the ceiling perforated ceiling is not suitable for installation over the ceiling. (Installation must be able to load in a fixed object). Then, if the ceiling is high, need an extension belt, extended with a length of 70 cm, anti-gravity yoga length from 1.4 to 1.5 meters, so the high ceiling that also can be used. Finally, the anti-gravity yoga climbing hook both ends to extend the end of the tape just fine. Note: During use in strict accordance with the following points from seizure Yoga hammock hanging anchor must be strong, hanging upside down from the height of the first floor is not more than 15CM, to prevent accidentally fell wounded. Please check before using yoga hammock hanging hook plate is loose, extended belt for excessive wear. Avoid carry-on buttons or sharp objects are damaged and yoga hammock. This product is not fireproof fabric, please stay away from sources of ignition. Note yoga hammock clean the surrounding ground level, avoiding choose gravel, twigs and other sharp hard objects exist locations. Packaging: 4 x Hook (already installed) 2 x 1 m extension with 2 x Steel carabiners 1 x Yoga hammock 1 x Cloth pouch >>詳細を見る